Customizing return types for xsd:complextType, is that possible?

From: Han Ming Ong <>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 16:21:54 -0800


        Given the following schema snippets:

   <xs:element name="app">
         <xs:element ref="comment-before-root" minOccurs="0"
         <xs:element ref="desc" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

   <xs:element name="desc">

   I get the following API for returning desc in the interface AppType:

   DescType[] getDesc();

   Of course the interface DescType inherits from interface Desc. I
don't care about the rationale behind *not* returning Desc[] in the RI
but I would like to know if there is a way I could customize it in JAXB

   Naively changing the codes manually on my part result in
java.lang.ArrayStoreException eventually.

Thanks much, Han Ming