maven-jaxb-plugin and xjc plugins

From: Vivian Steller <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 02:10:52 +0200

I've coded my first XJC plugin but have the problem that the maven-
jaxb-plugin seems not to recognize the plugin.

Below the error message when running mvn jaxb:generate:

[INFO] [jaxb:generate]
includeSchemas: 1 : todo.xsd
[INFO] schemaDirectory: /...
[INFO] includeSchemas: [todo.xsd]
[INFO] excludeSchemas: null
[INFO] includeBindings: [*.xjb]
[INFO] excludeBindings: null
[INFO] generatePackage: net.eecoo.jaxfaces.example.todo
[INFO] generateDirectory: /...
[INFO] readOnly: false
[INFO] extension: true
[INFO] catalog: null
[INFO] removeOldOutput: false
[INFO] strict: false
[INFO] verbose: true
[INFO] Schema dependency: /.../todo.xsd
[INFO] pom dependency: /.../pom.xml
[INFO] XJC compile using schema: ...todo.xsd
[INFO] build id of XJC is 2.0.1-06/08/2006 12:05 AM(kohsuke)-fcs
[INFO] Checking timestamp of ...
[INFO] the last modified time of the inputs is 1181001201000
[INFO] the last modified time of the outputs is 1180704894000
[INFO] Compiling file:/.../todo.xsd
[ERROR] [ERROR] Unsupported binding namespace "jxfb"
[ERROR] line 2 of file:/.../todo.xsd
[INFO] failure in the XJC task. Use the Ant -verbose switch for more
[INFO] unable to parse the schema. Error messages should have been
[INFO] Trace
unable to parse the schema. Error messages should have been provided

The source todo.xsd schema starts with:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema xmlns=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:jaxb="
jaxb" jaxb:version="2.0" xmlns:jxfb="
shale-bean" jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes="jxfb">
        <element name="TodoItem">

My pom.xml file looks as follows:

I think the maven-jaxb-plugin does not find the plugin jar in the
Thus, I tried it with the following snippet in the <build> section to
add the jar file to maven's classpath... but that didn't work:


Any hints on what I'm doing wrong? How to get jar files in the maven-
jaxb-plugins classpath (any examples?)?
I could post some snippets of the plugin-source code as well if

Thanks very much for any answers.

Best regards,