Re: xjc-RI 2.2.4-2 does not support -Xpropertyaccessors option ??

From: Iaroslav Savytskyi <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 15:23:39 +0200


I think it's a bug. As I see from the code the plugin is there but for some reason it's not specified as a service - so it couldn't be found.

Can't you use the latest 2.2.7 release?

Best regards,
Iaroslav Savytskyi
On 28 Sep 2013, at 01:17, <> wrote:
> Is it a bug in release 2.2.4-2 or do I need to do something to enable
> this feature? This option does not show up in help either. But this
> website says it is available :
> Here's the output from my xjc:
> C:\Users\sonnet>xjc -version
> xjc 2.2.4-2
> C:\Users\sonnet>xjc -help
> Usage: xjc [-options ...] <schema file/URL/dir/jar> ... [-b <bindinfo>]
> ...
> If dir is specified, all schema files in it will be compiled.
> If jar is specified, /META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode binding file will be
> compiled.
> Options:
>  -nv		     :	do not perform strict validation of the input
> schema(s)
>  -extension	     :	allow vendor extensions - do not strictly
> follow the
> 			Compatibility Rules and App E.2 from the JAXB
> Spec
>  -b <file/dir>      :	specify external bindings files (each <file>
> must have i
> ts own -b)
> 			If a directory is given, **/*.xjb is searched
>  -d <dir>	     :	generated files will go into this directory
>  -p <pkg>	     :	specifies the target package
>  -httpproxy <proxy> :	set HTTP/HTTPS proxy. Format is
> [user[:password]@]proxyH
> ost:proxyPort
>  -httpproxyfile <f> :	Works like -httpproxy but takes the argument in
> a file t
> o protect password
>  -classpath <arg>   :	specify where to find user class files
>  -catalog <file>    :	specify catalog files to resolve external
> entity referen
> ces
> 			support TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog
> format.
>  -readOnly	     :	generated files will be in read-only mode
>  -npa		     :	suppress generation of package level
> annotations (**/pac
>  -no-header	     :	suppress generation of a file header with
> timestamp
>  -target (2.0|2.1)  :	behave like XJC 2.0 or 2.1 and generate code
> that doesnt
> use any 2.2 features.
>  -encoding <encoding> :  specify character encoding for generated
> source files
>  -enableIntrospection :  enable correct generation of Boolean
> getters/setters t
> o enable Bean Introspection apis
>  -contentForWildcard  :  generates content property for types with
> multiple xs:
> any derived elements
>  -xmlschema	     :	treat input as W3C XML Schema (default)
>  -relaxng	     :	treat input as RELAX NG
> (experimental,unsupported)
>  -relaxng-compact   :	treat input as RELAX NG compact syntax
> (experimental,uns
> upported)
>  -dtd		     :	treat input as XML DTD
> (experimental,unsupported)
>  -wsdl 	     :	treat input as WSDL and compile schemas inside
> it (exper
> imental,unsupported)
>  -verbose	     :	be extra verbose
>  -quiet	     :	suppress compiler output
>  -help 	     :	display this help message
>  -version	     :	display version information
>  -fullversion	     :	display full version information
> Extensions:
>  -Xinject-code      :	inject specified Java code fragments into the
> generated
> code
>  -Xlocator	     :	enable source location support for generated
> code
>  -Xsync-methods     :	generate accessor methods with the
> 'synchronized' keywor
> d
>  -mark-generated    :	mark the generated code as
> @javax.annotation.Generated
>  -episode <FILE>    :	generate the episode file for separate
> compilation
> Please help!