Re: Re: Code generator using jaxb -xjc plugin

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 11:46:46 +0100


> I was able to use the Annonate plugin to create the classes with
> annotation.
> But now i want to create a interface with methods in it.
> How do i do that?
> I tried using the globalbinding
>  <xs:annotation>
>        <xs:appinfo>
>            <jaxb:globalBindings generateValueClass="false">
>            </jaxb:globalBindings>
>        </xs:appinfo>
>    </xs:annotation>
> and then used the code injector plugin to inject the methods.
> But is there a better way

I am not quite sure of what you are trying to achieve. Can you give an
example? Like, here's a schema, here's what's generated, here's what
I'd like to have generated.
