Re: [Issue 33] Unable to xjc XMLSchema.xsd

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 11:29:07 +0200


> I tried to add the comments to the issue directly, but could not figure
> out how...
> I looked over both links you provided. It does appear that the previous
> conversation was started by the same problem -- however, the XSOM
> solution won't work.
> I am not needing to parse random schemas; I am creating a GUI to
> generate JAXB-based XSDs. IE: the reason I was trying to parse the one
> from W3C (besides the fact that it is THE standard schema defining the
> XSD format; and besides the fact that JAXB should be able to handle any
> valid XSD) is so that I could get access to the setXXX methods without
> having to resort to either Xerces (which is really ugly to use) or JDOM
> (which I left for JAXB). It does not appear that XSOM is designed to
> allow me to GENERATE xsd files -- only to read them.
> Regardless of the reasons for wanting to use it; it seems obvious that
> it is a bug in JAXB if it can not handle an XSD released by W3C.

I could compile XMLSchema.

Steps to do this:

1. Download XMLSchema.xsd, XMLSchema.dtd and datatypes.dtd.
2. Comment out built-in types (lines 1307 - 2170).
3. Use the following external binding customization:

<jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb=""
   <jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="../schema/XMLSchema.xsd"

     <jaxb:bindings node="/xsd:schema/xsd:element[@name='all']">
         <jaxb:class name="AllElement"/>

     <jaxb:bindings node="/xsd:schema/xsd:element[@name='attributeGroup']">
         <jaxb:class name="AttributeGroupElement"/>

     <jaxb:bindings node="/xsd:schema/xsd:element[@name='attribute']">
         <jaxb:class name="AttributeElement"/>

     <jaxb:bindings node="/xsd:schema/xsd:element[@name='simpleType']">
         <jaxb:class name="SimpleTypeElement"/>

     <jaxb:bindings node="/xsd:schema/xsd:element[@name='group']">
         <jaxb:class name="GroupElement"/>

     <jaxb:bindings node="/xsd:schema/xsd:element[@name='element']">
         <jaxb:class name="ElementElement"/>

     <jaxb:bindings node="/xsd:schema/xsd:element[@name='complexType']">
         <jaxb:class name="ComplexTypeElement"/>

         <jaxb:class name="RestrictionElementType"/>


Et voila.

For a working example, see tests/xmlschema in HyperJAXB disrtibution
( (the new distribution will be available
in an hour).

A small comment to step 2. Seems like JAXB/XJC include datatypes.xsd
implicitly. Therefore, when you import the XML schema itself, there is a
type name collision. My research shows there's currently no way to avoid
this except for commenting out the offending types.


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