Re: supressing class generation with xjc

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 09:21:34 -0800

Jerry Lacy wrote:
> 1) suppress the generation of classes that can be located in the classpath
> (using the xjc -classpath argument). In my scenario, including the .jars
> that comprise my framework distribution in the -classpath would do the
> trick.
> 2) specify one or more packages to suppress. In my case, since each of my
> namespaces maps to a unique package, I could suppress all namespaces within
> the base framework.
> I think this would be a very useful feature for a future release.

Thank you for the suggestion. The idea of checking classpath had never
occurred to me, and that is interesting. I'll think about this.

When you distribute your framework, in this scheme, you'll still have to
pass along all the binding files (if you used any), so that when other
people compile their schemas on top of yours, their XJC can correctly
find out which schema components in your schema went to which class.

And it is also somewhat likely that if your XJC and other people's XJC
differ in versions, things could break.

I'm just making sure that you understand the implication of this.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems