Re: jaxb 2.1.4 plural property names

From: Malachi de Ælfweald <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 17:24:42 -0700

Well, I have not yet managed to get your pom to compile... but...

Using xjc.bat from jaxb-ri-20070413 (ie: not using the JDK's JAXB), I get:
List<Element> getAny()

Maybe try verifying that both machines get the same result if you use xjc

BTW: You don't have a ~/.m2/settings.xml do you?


On 8/28/07, jesse crossley <> wrote:
> do you know what version of jaxb is internalized in JDK7?
> i do have the jdk1.5 limitation (sob!) so i hafta make it work with the
> jax
> stuff added to endorsed.
> and the one Big Difference between my dev enviro and that of the other
> fellas
> is i'm on Vista and they're on XP, yes...
> everything else *should* be the same (but i haven't poked around their
> machines to verify...):
> we've established the jdk+endorsed that we think we need
> we have a shared scm system (and everybody updated today)
> we have available maven2 repositories that we all use.
> i've attached a piz o' zip with a stripped-down version of my SOAPBindings
> module. i tested it and JAXB generated the exact same "getAny()" method
> that nobody else on my team is getting. if you can glean any insight
> using
> JDK7, then by all means, please enlighten me, cos by now i'm just fumbling
> around in the dark.
> SOAPBindings.piz oh, and here's the generated file that i get:
> Malachi de Ælfweald wrote:
> >
> > Hmmm... I am currently using JDK7 w/o the endorsed dirs and specifying
> > them
> > in my poms... I'd be happy to test something for you...
> >
> > But thinking about this... if I understand correctly, you get one
> behavior
> > and everyone else gets a different behavior?
> > You are running Vista, and they are all running XP?
> > You both cleaned out your local repository, so that shouldn't be it -
> > right?
> > As far as you know, you all have the same JDK, the same libraries, the
> > same
> > classpaths, everything - right?
> > Is there any other differences between them?
> >
> > Malachi
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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