Re: jaxb 2.1.4 plural property names

From: jesse crossley <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 16:43:41 -0700 (PDT)

do you know what version of jaxb is internalized in JDK7?
i do have the jdk1.5 limitation (sob!) so i hafta make it work with the jax
stuff added to endorsed.

and the one Big Difference between my dev enviro and that of the other
is i'm on Vista and they're on XP, yes...
everything else *should* be the same (but i haven't poked around their
machines to verify...):
we've established the jdk+endorsed that we think we need
we have a shared scm system (and everybody updated today)
we have available maven2 repositories that we all use.

i've attached a piz o' zip with a stripped-down version of my SOAPBindings
module. i tested it and JAXB generated the exact same "getAny()" method
that nobody else on my team is getting. if you can glean any insight using
JDK7, then by all means, please enlighten me, cos by now i'm just fumbling
around in the dark.
SOAPBindings.piz oh, and here's the generated file that i get:

Malachi de Ælfweald wrote:
> Hmmm... I am currently using JDK7 w/o the endorsed dirs and specifying
> them
> in my poms... I'd be happy to test something for you...
> But thinking about this... if I understand correctly, you get one behavior
> and everyone else gets a different behavior?
> You are running Vista, and they are all running XP?
> You both cleaned out your local repository, so that shouldn't be it -
> right?
> As far as you know, you all have the same JDK, the same libraries, the
> same
> classpaths, everything - right?
> Is there any other differences between them?
> Malachi

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