Re: Internal Error and No Source

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 10:08:23 -0700

> Since early this year, I have been unable to use JAXB in a project
> because I receive an error. I posted several messages on the Sun support
> site (the Web Services site) but never received a response. I am

I think we are mostly just monitoring this list, due to the limited resource.
Sorry for your inconvenience.

> confident that having access to the source would allow me to fix the
> problem or at least understand why it won't work. Is the source still in
> limbo?

As a matter of fact, yes. Sometimes, those internal pipelines seem to
have infinite length...

But meanwhile we are happy to fix problem you find.

> I started trying this with JAXB 1.0 and it has failed from there through
> the latest 1.2 release.
> I started decompiling the code and can work from that but it is
> pointless if the source is actually going to be released some time soon.
> Until I decompiled the code, the java.lang.InternalError had me on the
> wrong track. I think a more specific error that doesn't imply a JVM
> failure would be better.

We've already made that change.

> I have included my binding and schema source at the end of this message.
> I have tried many combinations of bindings to get around this error
> including inline and external.

I looked at the schema. The class customization cannot be specified to
attributes and apparently the compiler couldn't gracefully handle this
error. I removed all <jaxb:class name="Class*" /> from your binding, and
it now point to additional name collisions around "column" which you
need to deal with.

I made a fix to our code, but this should get you going. Let us know if
you have any further question.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems         
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