attached is my testclass.
the test usePrefixNamespaceMapper gives me what I want (because the prefix
value actually matters and *has to be exactly "Sw").
What puzzles me is why rootElementHasControlledSwPrefix() doesn't use the
requested prefix "Sw" ?
private InitRequest createInitRequest()
InitRequest initRequest = new InitRequest();
initRequest.setExplicitNamespaceAttributeMode( "TRUE" );
initRequest.setCryptoMode( "Whatever" );
initRequest.setFACryptoMode( "see if I care" );
return initRequest;
private Marshaller getMarshallerForClass( Class<?> clazz,
NamespacePrefixMapper namespacePrefixMapper )
throws Exception
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance( clazz );
Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
// format it nicely to be light on your eyes
marshaller.setProperty( Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT,
Boolean.TRUE );
// controls the <? xml header e.g. if fragment or standalone
marshaller.setProperty( Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE );
if ( namespacePrefixMapper != null )
"com.sun.xml.bind.namespacePrefixMapper", namespacePrefixMapper );
return marshaller;
* Nothing special - std. usage.
* @throws Exception
public void rootElementHasDefaultNamespace()
throws Exception
InitRequest initRequest = createInitRequest();
QName qName = new QName( "urn:swift:snl:ns.Sw", "InitRequest" );
Class<InitRequest> clazz = InitRequest.class;
JAXBElement<InitRequest> jaxbElement = new
JAXBElement<InitRequest>( qName, clazz, initRequest );
Marshaller marshaller = getMarshallerForClass( clazz, null );
marshaller.marshal( jaxbElement, System.out );
* Now with asking to use "Sw" as prefix - puzzled that this does not
seem to be taken into consideration.
public void rootElementHasControlledSwPrefix()
throws Exception
InitRequest initRequest = createInitRequest();
QName qName = new QName( "urn:swift:snl:ns.Sw", "InitRequest",
"Sw" );
Class<InitRequest> clazz = InitRequest.class;
JAXBElement<InitRequest> jaxbElement = new
JAXBElement<InitRequest>( qName, clazz, initRequest );
Marshaller marshaller = getMarshallerForClass( clazz, null );
marshaller.marshal( jaxbElement, System.out );
* This uses a {_at_linkplain NamespacePrefixMapper}
* 3rd attempt and output like we want it according to Matthew.
public void usePrefixNamespaceMapper()
throws Exception
InitRequest initRequest = createInitRequest();
Class<InitRequest> clazz = InitRequest.class;
QName qName = new QName( "urn:swift:snl:ns.Sw", "InitRequest" );
JAXBElement<InitRequest> jaxbElement = new
JAXBElement<InitRequest>( qName, clazz, initRequest );
Marshaller marshaller = getMarshallerForClass( clazz, new
IdioticSwiftFormatNamespacePrefixMapper() );
marshaller.marshal( jaxbElement, System.out );
David J. M. Karlsen - +47 90 68 22 43
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