Debugable source code needed for version 2.1.8 of Jaxb

From: Jose Correia <>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:28:39 +0200

Hi all

Our software is using jaxb-api.jar and jaxb-impl.jar for version 2.1.8. We
decided to try our software on linux to see how it would fare (as opposed to
Windows XP/2000/2003).

We are trying it with Ubuntu 8.0.4 Desktop version and we are using Sun's
jdk version 6 update 12.

The line that crashes is:

Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();

where jc is: jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(JAXB_CONTEXT);

Exception it gives is:

- with linked exception:
Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence.]

So I was trying to debug the jaxb code, I got source from downloading ri
2.1.8 which sources for relevant jars but it seems classes were compiled
without "allow debugging" set to true, because if I put it on debug on
eclipse and I have ensured eclipse knows about the source of those jars, it
then doesn't show me the line numbers.

From past experience that tells me it wasn't compiled with that debug flag

Anyway if anyone can help with exception or how to get debugabble classes I
would appreciate it. I tried getting into the cvs source with:

cvs co -d jaxb-ri

but using my sun id (that I used to subscribe to mailing list) it came back
with unknown id. I have applied to become a code observer within the project.
