RE: JAXB compilation plugin

From: Jonathan Johnson <>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 23:32:14 -0500

> I posted activation.jar and jsr173_1.0_api.jar in the JAXB maven
> repository, too.

Thanks Kohsuke, this works. I also see that you updated the pom for the
plugin. I also cleaned it up. This greatly simplifies my example/testing
pom. Below is an example pom someone could use. Notice the activation.jar
and jsr173_1.0_api.jar are transitive and no longer need to be defined here
since they are in the plugin. Once we post it on the maven repository the
<repository> would not be needed either.

Now we just have to flesh out the <configuration>...</configuration>
section. ;-)

<project xmlns=""
    <name>maven-jaxb-plugin example</name>
    <description>Example usage of maven-jaxb-plugin, the xjc compiler.
Invoked in the
        M2 generate phase</description>

            <name> Maven Repository</name>

