Just upgraded from JAXB 1.0 to JAXB 2.1, and I have to tell you, the
difference is extraordinary! I'm compiling some large travel industry
schemas; under JAXB 1.0 xjc was taking 20 minutes. Now xjc 2.1 is done
in something like 15 seconds. Love it. May your favourite gods smile
on you and your offspring ! :-)
As always though, no-one's ever *really* happy ... a minor point - I'm
using the Maven2 plugin, but the plugin pom still references
2.0-SNAPSHOT. Are there any plans to upgrade the plugin to use 2.1?
I've hand-changed the .pom myself, but I'd like at some stage to
distribute my project's pom.ml to others, and I don't want to have to
tell everyone how to fix the plugin after they download it.
Jordan Digby
jordan digby [jadigby_at_torkirion.com]
Torkirion Pty Ltd. [ www.torkirion.com ]
travel industry services, software, solutions
tel: +66 (8) 1976 2971