Re: JAXB, ClassLoaders and Web apps

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 13:25:29 -0700

> What is the "right" way to create a JAXBContext instance in a Web
> application, assuming the JAXB classes are deployed as part of the Web app
> (i.e. not in the system classpath).

I believe the latter is the better way of creating a JAXBContext.
The context class loader is probably set correctly when you are in J2EE,
but there are cases when it's not correct --- for example, in IDEs, Ant,
and etc.

Looking at the following document, JUnit seems to employ a strange class
loading scheme. (

My guess is that com.sun.xml.bind.* classes are loaded from the system
class loader (because it's in the exclusion list), which depends on
the org.relaxng.* package, but these classes are loaded from JUnit test
class loader, which upsets the system class loader.

The error goes away with the context class loader, just because JUnit
doesn't set it. So JAXB ends up loading all the derived classes by the
system class loader, not by the reloadable JUnit class loader.

The downside is that when you regenerate the source code, your JUnit GUI
test runner won't pick up the changes.

So in this case, I suggest you to add org.relaxng.* into the exclusion
list of

Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>