Re: Maven2 versus JAXB2 (on ibiblio)

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:36:05 -0700

Gregory Kick wrote:
> Maven2 (and not Maven 1) has a mechanism for artifact relocation.
> Specifically, the relocation tag (
> current/maven-model/maven.html#class_relocation ) in
> <distributionManagement> handles all of the appropriate information.

Hmm, so the idea is that going forward, every time when we push a new
version, we put the POMs in the old names so that they point back to the
proper location?

But is the current situation that painful? I mean, it's not like we are
erasing the old artifacts. So the POMs out there that rely on existing
jars in the javax.xml would continue to work.

It only becomes a problem when they update the POMs to rely on a newer
version, in which case the simple solution is also to update the groupId
as well as version. That doesn't sounds like too much effort to me.

> So, I
> definitely wouldn't say that using the javax.xml.bind groupId is
> wrong, but changing it without regard for the efforts of the users
> that promoted the project by putting it into ibiblio in the first
> place isn't exactly proper either.

OK. But we've already published a fair number of versions on
javax.xml.bind and com.sun.xml.bind, so it doesn't seem like it's
possible to kill the new names either.

Hence the suggestion to use the relocation tag?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems