Re: XJC : Leading Underscores and underscoreBinding

From: Hank Ratzesberger <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 15:48:25 -0700

I made an error on my original post, but now I recall
why I misunderstood. The attached file declares three
<jxb:bindings schemaLocation=""> elements. Within
are three <xjb:globalBindings ...> elements. However,
XJC reports and error, that only the first specified
globalBindings is valid:

[ERROR] Specified globalBinding customization is not used.
        line 38 of iso19115.xjb
[ERROR] Specified globalBinding customization is not used.
        line 21 of iso19115.xjb

I have also tried enclosing all the jxb:bindings elements
in a <jxb:bindings> element, which XJC accepts, but it
does not honor -- the class names are created without
_ (so far as I can tell, since it is not compiling due to
name conflicts).

I want to use _ in created classes for all the schemas,
and I also need to perform a couple specific classname
transformations. What am I doing wrong?

And thanks to everyone. Hopefully I'll soon be
able to contribute -- more than questions.


Replying to a list? I'll get my copy there!

Hank Ratzesberger |
Institute for Crustal Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara