Use of anyAttribute in a schema

From: Michael C. Bruton <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:19:39 -0500

Hi all,

    This is the first time I've posted a question.

    I have been tasked with programming some of the SOAP communications
part of a web service project. Our company is required to use a web
service to talk with one of our biggest customers.

    I want to use JAXB to generate just the SOAP part of the message.
Once I have that document created as a file, I already have the code to
send it.

    The problem is in using SOAP's encoding schema, which is imported to
the custom schema for this service. The schema is located at, which uses the "anyAttribute"
element, which is legal in the W3C XML Primer Part 0 at

    JAXB compiles, even with the -extension switch, always give the
following warning:

parsing a schema...
[WARNING] warning: <anyAttribute> ignored
  line 67 of soapencoding.xsd

    (soapencoding.xsd is my local copy of the SOAP encoding schema.)

    I could sure use some help getting anyAttribute to be accepted by
JAXB. Or is this impossible?

    Thanks - Mike Bruton