RE: Re: JAXB dependent on xercesImpl.jar? - without it get missing resource: org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex.message, locale en_GB

From: Andrew Ferguson <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 18:05:43 +0100

>IIRC, this is a stupid bug in xsdlib.jar, which should have been fixed
a long time ago.
> Could you try downloading a newer version of this from and see if replacing it will fix the problem?

yes, that fixes it :)

I've also got a RFE and BUG number respectively from previous posts

that I was hoping would also make it into jwsdp1.4 - but can't seem to
find any reference to them?

since xsdlib.jar from your link above is now compressed I guess that RFE
5036871 has been accepted?


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