Re: JAXB problem with " nor any of its super class is known to this context."

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 08:01:17 +0200

You might also check the tutorial section "Defining Package Names" and
run a simple example to see where the changed name comes up in the
generated code; then you may check whether you have all of that in
your own patched code, correspondingly.

I guess that's all that anybody can advise, based on the sparse info
you've provided.


On 21/05/2010, schneidc <> wrote:
> Hello Wolfgang,
> your tip sounded promissing unfortunately so far it didn't work.
> What I did was, extracted several schemas from one huge WSDL into several
> xsds. The namespaces of the types declared in each schema match the package
> name of my domain objects.
> Then I generated new classes from this WSDL, took "" and
> "" out of each package and put it into the according
> package of my domain objects (which reside in another project btw). Then I
> deleted all the generated "domain" objects and kept only the package which
> contains the proxies for the services methods. So far no errors in my
> projects and all I did (except from changing the wsdl) was generating,
> copying and deleting files what made me very confident.
> But still... when calling the service I get a "not known to this context"
> exception. Could somehow be the reason that the files are spread over two
> different projects?
> Simon
> Wolfgang Laun-2 wrote:
>> I'm not sure whether I really understand the problem and what works and
>> what
>> not. (One paragraph says that the hacked classes don't work, another one
>> says "did [...] adjustments [...] and it worked.) But it does look like a
>> package/namespaces misfit. Consider adding a with an
>> XmlSchema annotation to your own patched domain classes, according to:
>> -W
> --
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