RE: UnmarshallException, unexpected attributes, inconsistent gene rate d classes across namespaces.

From: Poccachard, Ian AG <>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 19:12:09 -0000

Thanks for your response

> So unless you have a strong reason for separate compilation, I suggest
> you compile all the schemas at once. At least that would help
> us isolate

When compiling the schema at once we had no problem (certainly with 1.0).
Looking at the simplified example (attached) things look OK to my
inexperienced eye anyway.

Our motivation for compiling separately is that we are using the Netbeans
platform to develop an extensible modular system. XML Schemas define the
the data model for each module. Each module is version controlled and
potentially released individually. Since new-module authors are expected
to define their own data in XML, but build on the pre-existing core XML
Schemas and modules, one-stop compilation is not viable long term - I
think. Short term however before the system gets too big - too many
modules /authors etc, we can work around as you suggest.

Using JAXB within the Netbeans platform is turning out to be rather
elegant, so I am certainly keen to help resolve this one, even if there
is a little lag. I attach a zipped up directory with three simplified
schemas; a,b,c together with generated classes (I have renamed some
packages for clarity). Also included is a schema that unifies
all three as a work-around; unify.xsd that generates renamed
package com_unified.

It would be nice if was consistent across schema a, b and c.
A quick diff looking at enterAttribute(...) across each of these files
will probably give you a clue. Same thing also in HeaderImpl that is
itself extended by SetImpl..

I hope attachment is OK..

Look forward to your thoughts..


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