Generated Source uses wrong namespace issue....

From: Campana Jr., Salvatore J <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 12:17:06 -0500

The code which is generated from the test.xsd file seems to be incorrect
in that it is using the wrong namespace...Not sure if this is an issue
since it sounds like I shouldn't be using this mechanism for
complexTypes, but here it goes....
The xsd file does this:
<s:import namespace=""
  <s:complexType name="Message">
      <s:element name="Envelope" type="soap:Envelope" />
So this complexType defines an element named Envelope of type
soap:Envelope. The file serializes the element as:
context.startElement("", "Envelope");
But the code generated for EnvelopeImpl has the namespace of:
So either the MessageImpl should be using the soap/envelope namespace
for this element, or rather another Envelope should have been generated
for the namespace....
Again, not sure but this looks like a bug...or I may be doing something
wrong here...
Thank you...


Sal Campana
HP Software
856.638.6284 <>



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