Re: JAXB generated java beans not generated in proper heirarchy based on xsd:extension

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 06:44:46 +0100

Please provide a complete XML Schema, i.e., one that compiles using xjc and
exhibits the problem. From your snippet, ANY is missing.

On 24 February 2012 03:15, <> wrote:

> Here is the snippet of my schema:
> <xs:complexType name="EN" mixed="true">
> <xs:annotation>
> <xs:documentation>
> A name for a person, organization, place or thing. A
> sequence of name parts, such as given name or family
> name, prefix, suffix, etc. Examples for entity name
> values are "Jim Bob Walton, Jr.", "Health Level Seven,
> Inc.", "Lake Tahoe", etc. An entity name may be as simple
> as a character string or may consist of several entity name
> parts, such as, "Jim", "Bob", "Walton", and "Jr.", "Health
> Level Seven" and "Inc.", "Lake" and "Tahoe".
> </xs:documentation>
> </xs:annotation>
> <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
> <xs:extension base="ANY">
> <xs:sequence>
> <xs:choice minOccurs="0"
> maxOccurs="unbounded">
> <xs:element
> name="delimiter" type="en.delimiter"/>
> <xs:element
> name="family" type=""/>
> <xs:element
> name="given" type="en.given"/>
> <xs:element
> name="prefix" type="en.prefix"/>
> <xs:element
> name="suffix" type="en.suffix"/>
> </xs:choice>
> <xs:element name="validTime"
> type="IVL_TS" minOccurs="0">
> <xs:annotation>
> <xs:documentation>
> An interval of time specifying the time during
> which
> the name is or was used for the entity. This
> accomodates the fact that people change names
> for
> people, places and things.
> </xs:documentation>
> </xs:annotation>
> </xs:element>
> </xs:sequence>
> <xs:attribute name="use"
> type="set_EntityNameUse" use="optional">
> <xs:annotation>
> <xs:documentation>
> A set of codes advising a system or user which
> name
> in a set of like names to select for a given
> purpose.
> A name without specific use code might be a
> default
> name useful for any purpose, but a name with a
> specific
> use code would be preferred for that respective
> purpose.
> </xs:documentation>
> </xs:annotation>
> </xs:attribute>
> </xs:extension>
> </xs:complexContent>
> </xs:complexType>
> and here is the generated JAXB bean:
> @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
> @XmlType(name = "EN", propOrder = {
> "content"
> })
> @XmlSeeAlso({
> ON.class,
> PN.class,
> TN.class
> })
> public class EN {
> @XmlElementRefs({
> @XmlElementRef(name = "prefix", namespace = "urn:hl7-org:v3",
> type = JAXBElement.class),
> @XmlElementRef(name = "validTime", namespace =
> "urn:hl7-org:v3", type = JAXBElement.class),
> @XmlElementRef(name = "delimiter", namespace =
> "urn:hl7-org:v3", type = JAXBElement.class),
> @XmlElementRef(name = "given", namespace = "urn:hl7-org:v3",
> type = JAXBElement.class),
> @XmlElementRef(name = "suffix", namespace = "urn:hl7-org:v3",
> type = JAXBElement.class),
> @XmlElementRef(name = "family", namespace = "urn:hl7-org:v3",
> type = JAXBElement.class)
> })
> @XmlMixed
> protected List<Serializable> content;
> @XmlAttribute
> Based on the schema EN class should extend from ANY class, but it does
> not.
> Any clues?
> Thanks