Re: jaxb 1.0->1.01: unmarshalling VerifyError

From: Laura Ferguson <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:19:46 -0400

My mistake. It's more or less a duplicate -- the other programmer I work
with also posted the problem. Either way, many thanks for the suggestion.


At 03:21 PM 6/16/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Your message kind of looks familiar --- did I write a reply to you
>already or is it a duplicate?
>Anyway, since the error is VerifyError, I suspect:
>- your class files somehow got corrupted after compiled. For example,
> you ftp-ed your class files in ASCII mode.
>- your compiler is broken and produced bad class files.
>Try re-compiling everything and make sure your class files are intact.
>I suppose this can't be a JAXB problem.
>Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>