Re: OGC Schemas

From: Andrew Hughes <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 13:46:33 +0930
Hey Guy's...

Already have the OLS spec more or less 'available'.... . My purpose for Open Sourcing this is so that we can work together to support as many of the OGC specifications (hence I called it OpenGIS-API)...... I'm very keen to look at CSW and SLD too....

Here's a 'blocker' that is preventing progress (perhaps I can get some support from some JAXB Guru's here)....

The OS Geo community like the concept but find this implementation very short sighted, the use of JAXB does not allow for extensible content. I will explain with a real example... the OLS spec says that a GeocodedAddress only contains a point geometry. If you perform a Geocode, and the response resolves with a matchType of the Country... well a center point of the USA is not very helpful. What a wonderful idea it would be to add....
    <gml:Envelope>minX minY maxX maxY</gml:Envelope>
to the <GeocodedAddress>..... This content is not found in the xsd/bindings and is either discarded or fails validation during a marshal.... Unmarshalling also does not allow the user to add any extensible content. I am yet to find a solution for this, and it is exactly the reason why we have not completely open sourced the API.

Modifying the XSD's and rebinding is really not a valid solution. After all, XML is "eXtensible Markup Language".. and the requirements/desire/ability for people to work with eXtensible content is very real.

I've been looking for a JAXB based solution to this problem for around 9 months.... if anyone has any weight on this, it would be nice to get some closure on what is and is not possible. Alternatively, the approach would be non JAXB based like GeoTool's...



p.s. I had toyed with the idea of an UnknownJAXBElement, that offers very little in terms of coding against a schema... but might be of some use...

Zdeněk Vráblík wrote:
Hi Aleksei,

I have tried to compile some OGC schemas with JAXB 2.0.5

OpenLS - GeoCoding - there is only a few clashes with names started
with _ (but it is possible to change in schema without further impact)

WFS 1.0  there are more problems - I don't have working version
     - geometry - MultiGeometry inheritence problem
     - name clashes between filter and filerGetCapabilities

I haven't start use this generated classes yet. I will do it this or next week.
There may be other problems too.

I am able to participate on it and  Apache or BSD license is fine for me.


On 6/5/07, Aleksei Valikov <> wrote:

I wonder if anyone has already compiled the OGC/OpenGeoSpatial schemas with
JAXB 2.x. I mean, WMS, WFS, SLD, OWS, Context, Filter, CSW and so on.

Would there be a public interest ins those schemas compiled and distributed
with an OS license?

I currently have all those schemas fully compiled with JAXB 1.x.


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Andrew Hughes
Software Engineer
LISAsoft Pty. Ltd. (Adelaide)

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