Re: compiling jaxb 1.0 with jaxb 2.0

From: edward pedersson <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:46:19 +0100

I have tried the latest snapshot and it works just fine. Thank you
very much for submitting a fix.

On 06/06/07, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <> wrote:
> edward pedersson wrote:
> > I have checked the classpath and there is nothing untoward there and
> > all the jars are in the same folder as the ant file. I thought jaxb
> > 2.1 is meant to be backwards compatible?
> Yes. Looks like this is a bug. I just committed a fix. If you can try
> the snapshot build later that would be great.
> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
> Sun Microsystems

-- e