Re: OGC Schemas

From: Zden?k Vráblík <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 18:38:22 +0100

Hi Aleksei,

I have tried to compile some OGC schemas with JAXB 2.0.5

OpenLS - GeoCoding - there is only a few clashes with names started
with _ (but it is possible to change in schema without further impact)

WFS 1.0 there are more problems - I don't have working version
      - geometry - MultiGeometry inheritence problem
      - name clashes between filter and filerGetCapabilities

I haven't start use this generated classes yet. I will do it this or next week.
There may be other problems too.

I am able to participate on it and Apache or BSD license is fine for me.


On 6/5/07, Aleksei Valikov <> wrote:
> Hi.
> I wonder if anyone has already compiled the OGC/OpenGeoSpatial schemas with
> JAXB 2.x. I mean, WMS, WFS, SLD, OWS, Context, Filter, CSW and so on.
> Would there be a public interest ins those schemas compiled and distributed
> with an OS license?
> I currently have all those schemas fully compiled with JAXB 1.x.
> Bye.
> /lexi