Re: JAXB and Web Services

From: Patricio Crowley <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 01:48:42 -0300

 It is certain, all that you tells me , but if i want to use a service dynamically ,and to receive messages, (jaxm) using a profile ,and also mapear those messages to objects dynamically, depending on the profile , is indispensable that in the midle means there is not human intervention, or at least the minimum one indispensable.
really thanks

Patricio Crowley
 Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM> wrote:> Is possible , compile a schema in runtime ?

It is certainly possible in case of JAXB RI, but it won't be portable
and it's fairly complicated as you have to compile generated Java files

I don't know what you can do with code generated dynamically in this way,
unless you do scripting or something alike.

> If I deploy a service and receive e request (jaxm request) and I want
> parse a xml message . Is necessary that I use , xjc.bat or I can , in
> some way , compile xml schema in runtime without human intervention .

If you know the schema that describes those JAXM messages, you should be
just fine by compiling that schema at the development time, not at the

If you don't know the schema at the compile time, I suppose you don't
know what those documents look like. If so, how can you process those

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