Please see also my question related to yours some days ago in the mailing
list archives.
As far as I know (my question has no responses for the moment), the
marshaller may rewrite the namespace declarations and namespace prefixes. As
you can imagine, the signatures get broken.
At the end, you can use JAXB with signatures, provided that the final
marshalling of the XML is done using the DOM view (you can use the Binder
for that). You can use all the functionality in JAXB without problems,
except the marshaller and the updateXML() method of the Binder (that I think
also uses marshal internally)
On 3/30/07, Liße, Jan (TEVEGE) <JLisse_at_tevege.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using JAXB 2.1 and I want to use it for binding of an xml message that
> contains a digital signature element.
> Using some customization I was able to generate corresponding java classes
> with xjc successfully.
> I have the requirement to preserve and persist the signature for future
> validation. Currently I think the best way to do this, is to save it
> as xml in the database.
> But what happens if I try to marshall my types back to xml? Will it break
> the signature? Does JAXB work with xml signatures?
> I would be glad for any help and recommendations!
> With kind regards,
> Jan
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