- [2] ClassCastException on jaxbcontext.newInstance()
- [2] JAXB, Introspector, BeanInfo and method sigantures
- [understanding] JAXB generated sources structure
- A couple of JAXB questions
- ClassCastException on jaxbcontext.newInstance()
- ConcurrentModificationException
- enveloping an XML node inside another XML node
- Episodic compilation against jar file
- Error occurs when converting XML schema to Java objects
- generated schema fails validation (jaxb 2.1)
- Generation of Enum type from NMTOKEN restricted type
- global customization in Java-first approach
- how to specify the customization of these elements
- how to use xsom to detect the presence of xsd:choice
- Inline Customization, help explain error
- jaxb 2, controlling minoccurs / maxoccurs from annotations
- jaxb and size
- JAXB CodeModel : How to add Return and Paramter Types as generics
- JAXB marshals DOM Element with/without attributes in xs:any differently
- jaxb2-commons plugin file hosting
- JWSDP-1.4 - XJC Ant Task
- Method renaming
- Need advise on JAXB namespace prefix retaining issue.]
- object reference in xsd
- Plugin Dev: class member variable visibility
- Plugin hosting
- Plugin: inject-code
- Problems with xml binding in SensorML schema
- Q: Element and Attribute with the same identifier
- Question: Default wrapper bean package
- Referring to an adapter from XSD
- running xjc from java program
- schemagen ant task example is broken?
- setting non-XML element field at unmarshal time
- src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component
- Telling JAXB a schema has already been generated
- Using JAXB to marshall/unmarshall xml digital signatures
- Why can't you access XSSchemaSet from plugin?
- XJC frustration
- xjc plugin
- xjc problems with Collada schema....
- XmlAdapter and type casts
- Last message date: Mon Mar 26 08:50:58 2007
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT