how to use xsom to detect the presence of xsd:choice

From: Art <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 06:19:56 -0700

In general:

Is there any reference for xsom besides the javadoc?

On particular:

When using xsom and XSComplexType how do I determine the content?

According to the w3c the content of a ComplexType can be:

/Content: /(annotation
<>?, (simpleContent
<> |
<> | ((group
<> | all
<> | choice
<> | sequence
<>)?, ((attribute
<> | attributeGroup
anyAttribute <>?))))

so for

    <xsd:complexType name="test">
            <xsd:element name="one" type="tns:one-type"/>
            <xsd:element name="two" type="tns:two-type"/>

How do I tell with xsom that the elements are wrapped in a xsd:choice?

XSComplexType* getContentType*() returns XSParticle and I don't see how
to determine the presence of the xsd:choice.