setting non-XML element field at unmarshal time

From: jeff <>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 11:59:52 -0700 (PDT)

say i have classes Book and Page. a Book has many pages, and a Page has one Book. so in JPA terms there's a one-to-many bidirectional relationship ... there's a Book.getPages() method, and a Page.getBook() method.

so, the XML might look like ...

<book name="...">
  <page number="1">...</page>
   <page number="2">...</page>

what i want is a way to cause to be populated when the XML document is unmarshaled. unless i add an XML element "book" to the Page, JAXB won't know or care anything about the field. obviously, that would be strange,

<book name="x">
   <page number="1" book="x">...</page>
in the XML schema, the ownership of a Page by a Book is implied by the nesting, but in JPA this must be done explicitly by setting Page's book field.

if is not populated, then the bidirectional relationship is not correctly setup, and a JPA persist will fail.
the goal is to be able to unmarshal the document, persist it with JPA, fetch it using JPA, then marshal it again.

any ideas?

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