xjc and schema imports

From: Eric Crampton <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 13:36:47 -0800

Hi all,

Let's say I have two schemas. a.xsd is standalone with no imports.
b.xsd imports a.xsd. I'd like to be able to run a.xsd through xjc and
create a standalone jar file which only has the types from a.xsd.
Then, at a later time, I'd like to run b.xsd through xjc and have it
only generate the source for the types in b.xsd.

If I only want to use types from a.xsd, I only need a.jar. If I want
to use types from b.xsd, I'd need both a.jar and b.jar.

This is possible in Apache XMLBeans by putting the jar containing the
other types on the classpath for scomp, the XMLBeans equivalent of

Is this possible in JAXB2?
