RE: Re: Marshalling from two shemas

From: Lulseged Zerfu <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:15:37 +0200


 I have used only one class in the context.

context = JAXBContext.newInstance(RuleSet.class);

But now I have added more classes and it looks like:

context = JAXBContext.newInstance(RuleSet.class,
UnknownBooleanPermission.class, ProvideServicePermission.class);

And it works!

But can I give only packages names instead of classes?

I will try!

Thanks as always.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfgang Laun []
Sent: den 26 juni 2009 07:55
Subject: Re: Marshalling from two shemas

How do you create the context? Are you passing in both package names?

On 6/26/09, Lulseged Zerfu <> wrote:
> Hi
> One more question regarding marshalling:
> My document is made up of two standard schemas: (schemas attached)
> urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pres-rules imports
> urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy.
> There are two class created when compiling with
> xjc, one for each schema:
> Marshalling a java representation of a document made up up of this two

> schemas is not working. Complains about
> ietf.params.xml.ns.pres.rules.ProvideServicePermission is not known to

> this context
> When trying to marshall so that the output xml document looks like as
> follows:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cr:ruleset
> xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pres-rules"
> xmlns:pr="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pres-rules"
> xmlns:cr="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy">
> <cr:rule id="a">
> <cr:conditions>
> <cr:identity>
> <cr:one id="" />
> </cr:identity>
> </cr:conditions>
> <cr:actions>
> <pr:sub-handling>allow</pr:sub-handling>
> </cr:actions>
> <cr:transformations>
> <pr:provide-services>
> <pr:service-uri-scheme>sip</pr:service-uri-scheme>
> <pr:service-uri-scheme>mailto</pr:service-uri-scheme>
> </pr:provide-services>
> <pr:provide-activities>true</pr:provide-activities>
> <pr:provide-user-input>bare</pr:provide-user-input>
> </cr:transformations>
> </cr:rule>
> </cr:ruleset>
> The red part of this xml document comes from the second schema. But
> how do marshall so that this become output.
> Lulseged

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