Re: Bug or not: trying to use seperate schema compilation using maven-jaxb2-plugin

From: Rogier Enders <>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 10:23:53 +0200

Hi Manual and Aleksei,

Attached is a sample project.
Do a 'mvn clean install' of the 'address' project.
Do a 'mvn clean install' of the 'customer' project.
Do a 'mvn clean package' of the 'order' project, which will result in the
error 'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: 'address' is already defined'.

Hopes this helps.

I think Manual is right about the internal map with namespaces of
schemaLocations. Since the schema's use relative schemaLocation elements,
they are first resolved to absolute locations. Since the absolute location
of the Address schema is different when it is referenced in the Customer
schema than in the Order schema, the Address schema is parsed twice which
results in the error.

To prove this, if I remove the schemaLocation attribute from the Customer
schema in the Customer artifact, it works.

I also try to use absolute schemaLocation in the schemas and use a catalog
to change the SystemId. Like this:
<systemSuffix systemIdSuffix="address.xsd"
<systemSuffix systemIdSuffix="customer.xsd"
This works also since the importLocation is not normalized to a absolute

I tried to rewrite the SystemId, like this:
<rewriteSystem systemIdStartString = ""
  <rewriteSystem systemIdStartString = ""
The resulted in the error: Caused by: no !/
in spec.
Seams like the CatalogResolver resolves the schemaLocation for the Order
schema fine but and changes the schemaLocation for the Customer schema to
'maven:nl.renders:address-abs-suffix!/address.xsd' which is invalid.

I also tried to set the prefer attribute (system or public) in the
catalog.xml but is seams like this is ignored.

If you like I also have sample projects of the variants mentioned above.

I'm going to try Manual suggestion and let you know the result.

With regards,


2013/8/15 <>

> Hi Rogier, hi Aleksei,
> I've stumble upon a similar problem sometimes ago and here what I've
> found. I think the problem is that xjc keeps an internal mapping of all
> schemas in the form of :
> schemaLocation -> nameSpace
> In the first example with two schemas A and B (see email below), and with
> a maven-jaxb2-plugin configured like this :
> <schemaIncludes>
> <include>b.xsd</include>
> </schemaIncludes>
> ... then xjc's internal mapping is something like :
> - 'b.xsd' -> ''
> - '' -> ''
> Now, with three schemas A, B and C and the maven-jaxb2-plugin configured
> like this :
> <schemaIncludes>
> <include>b.xsd</include>
> <include>c.xsd</include>
> </schemaIncludes>
> ...then xjc's internal mapping is something like :
> - 'c.xsd' -> ''
> - 'b.xsd' -> ''
> - '' -> ''
> - '' -> ''
> => notice how the B namespace is included twice !
> I've solved it the following way : I use a dummy file 'main.xsd' which
> imports with all the namespace I need :
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:jxb="
>" jxb:version="2.0">
> <xs:import namespace=""
> schemaLocation="" />
> <xs:import namespace=""
> schemaLocation="" />
> </xs:schema>
> ... and then use it as entry point for the maven-jaxb2-plugin :
> <schemaIncludes>
> <include>main.xsd</include>
> </schemaIncludes>
> It works because the 'main.xsd' is never included/imported by other xsd.
> With this configuration, xjc's internal mapping becomes something like :
> - 'main.xsd' -> '<nonamespace>'
> - '' -> ''
> - '' -> ''
> - '' -> ''
> Hope it helps !
> Best regards,
> Manuel Siggen
> ________________________________________*
> Manuel Siggen* - Ingénieur de développement logiciel
> Etat de Vaud, Département des Infrastructures et des Ressources Humaines
> (DIRH)
> Direction des Systèmes d'Information (DSI)
> Pôle Référentiels
> Avenue de Longemalle 1, CH-1020 Renens
> Tel:+41 (0)21 316 26 43 Fax:+41 (0)21 316 27 26 *
> *** <> - **<>
> De : Aleksei Valikov <>
> A : Rogier Enders <>
> Cc : "" <>
> Date : 15.08.2013 08:09
> Objet : Re: Bug or not: trying to use seperate schema compilation
> using maven-jaxb2-plugin
> Envoyé par :
> ------------------------------
> Hi Rogier,
> I think, your reasoning is quite correct. To note, this is not a bug
> in the maven-jaxb2-plugin, it is more a problem with XJC itself.
> maven-jaxb2-plugin only wraps XJC.
> I'm also coming over this issue time after time. I always managed to
> resolve it somehow, but I can't formulate the method at the moment.
> Would you please put a sample demo project together - I'll look into
> it. We'll probably have to file an issue for XJC since I don't think
> this can be fixed in the Maven plugin.
> Bye,
> /lexi
> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Rogier Enders <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Valikov,
> >
> > I'm trying to generate sources from a set of xml schemas using the
> > "maven-jaxb2-plugin" version 0.8.3.
> >
> > The schemas refer to each other using an import with a namespace and a
> > schemaLocation attibute. The schemaLocation attribute is relative.
> >
> > Using a catalog file (in XML format, Oasis Catalog standard version 1.1)
> I
> > managed to change the schemaLocation using a systemSuffix to an uri
> > reference resource inside a Maven artifact.
> >
> > First: schema A sources are generated using the plugin without any
> > configuration. The jar is uploaded to the maven repository.
> >
> > Schema B sources are generated using the pluging. The A.jar is defined
> as a
> > dependency and useDependenciesAsEpisode is set to true. There is also a
> > catalog parameter with a systemSuffix. This jar is also uploaded to the
> > maven repository.
> >
> > All works well for schema B which imports schema A with a relative
> > schemaLocation, using episodes.
> >
> > Now I'm trying to generate sources for a schema C which import B and A.
> This
> > results in the following error:
> > "[ERROR] Error while parsing schema(s).Location [
> >
> jar:file:/home/rogier/.m2/repository/nl/renders/address-rel/1.0/address-rel-1.0.jar!/address.xsd{9,13}].
> > org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: 'address' is already defined"
> >
> > It seams like the plugin is generating sources for schema C, since this
> > schema imports B and A, sources are also generated for these schemas but
> > since B imports A, it tries to generate another set of sources for
> schema A
> > which results in the error "is already defined".
> >
> > If I remove the schemaLocation attrinute from the XSD schema in the
> > generated B.jar, it works well since the sources from schema A are only
> > generated once.
> >
> > Is this a bug in the plugin or am I missing something here? If you like I
> > can send to some sources to reproduce the problem.
> >
> > With regards,
> >
> > Rogier Enders