RE: Resolve error with JAXB XJC

From: Young Matthew (4004) <"Young>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 22:03:19 +0000

( sorry below should have gone to the user the way I moved all of the XSD fils to C:\temp\another directory to eliminate a potential white-space problem on Windows similar to the bug but same results)


Turns out if I wasn't in a hurry to get help and test more I would have noticed that the error has nothing to do with directory or file arguments to XJC. The problem is when one XSD imports another schema and extends a definition (ie. complex type) in yet another schema that happens to import the same schema. For example,

XSD "A" imports a commons XSD plus XSD "B"
XSD "B" also imports a commons XSD

Wolfgang, specifying a directory takes everything under that directory including the sub-directories.

Gary, the file URI is UTF encoded so the paths seem to be handled alright but I will test paths without spaces just to be sure.

mvh / Matthew

Från: Wolfgang Laun []
Skickat: den 27 december 2010 17:15
Till: Young Matthew (4004)
Ämne: Re: Resolve error with JAXB XJC

On 27 December 2010 15:54, Young Matthew (4004) <<>> wrote:

If I run the XFCFacade with the following arguments:
public void execute() throws Throwable {
String[] args = {
"C:/workshop/klistret/CMDB CI/configuration/build/jaxb.binding.xml",
"C:/workshop/klistret/CMDB CI/src/xsd",

I'd have thought that this compiles only the files in ./xsd/, i.e., pojo..., commons..., xmlschemaNamespace

How is the hardware.cmdb.xsd included in this compilation? Is there an import of that from one of those three in ./xsd/? How does this import look like?

I don't think that relative pathnames have to be resolved w.r.t. the pathname of the schema in which it occurs. (See section 5.6, schemaLocation, in "XML Schema Part 0: Primer" - "a hint to the processor". A "hint" is a flimsy definition...)



XJC generates this type of errors:
parsing a schema...
[ERROR] src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'element:Component' to a(n) 'type definition' component.
line 30 of file:/C:/workshop/klistret/CMDB%20CI/src/xsd/element/component/hardware.cmdb.xsd
But if I specify a chain of files rather than giving a directory the XJC parser works fine even if the xsd files are in a jumbled order:
String[] args = {
"C:/workshop/klistret/CMDB CI/configuration/build/jaxb.binding.xml",
"C:/workshop/klistret/CMDB CI/src/xsd/element/component.cmdb.xsd",
"C:/workshop/klistret/CMDB CI/src/xsd/element/component/hardware.cmdb.xsd",
"C:/workshop/klistret/CMDB CI/src/xsd/pojo.cmdb.xsd",
"C:/workshop/klistret/CMDB CI/src/xsd/commons.cmdb.xsd",
"C:/workshop/klistret/CMDB CI/src/xsd/xmlschemaNamespace.xsd",

Using JAXB 2.2 but have tried 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 releases without any luck. Compiling with Java 1.6. The hardware.cmdb.xsd file imports the component.cmdb.xsd to extend a complex type which subsequently extends a base complex type. So there is an import dependency between the xsd files. Debugging I see the the opt.grammars picks up all the xsd files when using just the directory there after I get lost in the XMLSchemaLoader class.

Example of the xsd files:
<xs:schema xmlns=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" jaxb:version="2.0">

<xs:import namespace=""
schemaLocation="../component.cmdb.xsd" />

<xs:complexType name="Hardware" abstract="true">
<xs:extension base="element:Component"></xs:extension>

<xs:element name="Hardware" type="Hardware"></xs:element>


<xs:schema xmlns=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" jaxb:version="2.0">

<xs:import namespace=""
schemaLocation="../commons.cmdb.xsd" />

<xs:complexType name="Component" abstract="true">
<xs:extension base="commons:Element" />

<xs:element name="Component" type="Component"></xs:element>