- Best practices with JAXB and XML schema
- Can I specify the annotation retention policy for Java annotations written for me by XJC?
- Failing with 'no-arg default constructor' on _at_XmlTransient
- Fwd: exception unmarshaling a JSON object
- IllegalAnnotationsException: 1 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions JAXBElement does not have a no-arg default constructor
- JAXB for Android?
- jaxb is now live
- JAXB Tutorial on my home page
- JSON unmarshaling problem
- Kenai migration complete: Documents & Files are imported
- Resolve error with JAXB XJC
- Resolved: Can I specify the annotation retention policy for Java annotations written for me by XJC?
- Unmarshalling of enums with whitespace characters
- Urgent Problem with generated class: JAXBElement does not have a no-arg default constructor.
- Where are the downloads?
- Where is jaxb-api-2.2.3
- xjc class generation: how to force XMLRootElement on a XSD element?