Re: Where is jaxb-api-2.2.3

From: Martin Grebac <>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 08:39:30 +0100

  why do you think it's inconsistent? The impl artifacts depend on 2.2.2
version of the api. The impl/api versions do not need to match - there's
no need to re-release if there was no change in the api package.

On 12/20/10 8:33 AM, Lulseged Zerfu wrote:
> Hi
> Jaxb 2.2.3 was released number of days ago but is inconsistent because
> jaxb-api-2.2.3 is missing in the repository. It will be consistent if
> jaxb-api-2.2.3 is built even if there are no changes made since
> jaxb-api-2.2.2.
> Lulseged

Martin Grebac, GlassFish/Metro/JAXB/Tooling at Oracle
ICQ: 93478885