xjc class generation: how to force XMLRootElement on a XSD element?

From: VanIngen, Erik (FIPS) <"VanIngen,>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 13:42:17 +0100

Dear Jaxb,

I generated classes with XJC from a set of 55 xsd files:

The generation of classes with XJC runs fine. The problem is that the class generated for GenericData does not have the @XMLRootElement annotation.
My questions are
(1) Why does GenericData not have a @XMLRootElementAnnotation?
(2) How can I force GenericData having the @XMLRootElement annotation?

The xjb binding file has, amongs others, this definition:
<jaxb:globalBindings xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:jaxb=""
 generateIsSetMethod="false" generateElementClass="true">
        <xjc:simple />

One of the xsd's, , has the element GenericData:

GenericDataType is used by GenericData and by GenericTimeSeriesDataType:

Kind Regards,
Erik van Ingen