RE: Plugin for EJB 3.0 annotations

From: Scott Allan <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 10:27:34 -0500

I've learned about java and programming from reading tons of books and
trial and error. I don't personally know any java programmers to run
things by so a lot of my learning process is slow and painful but
evenutally I find a way to do it. My work does not require java
programming so I do it in my spare time. I'm working on a personal
project that forces me to learn java and may one day be marketable.
Some java technologies are still a mystery to me and as soon as I think
I've figured it out, a new technology takes over. I've tried to
concentrate on xml and ejb applications since they seem to be the most
useful/marketable technologies out there.

I'll see what I can do about gathering some ejb3 info. I'm just the
learning the annotations myself, but I'll pass along what I can.

> Have to admit, for a novice programmer (are you, really?)

> you've made a

> good progress having enough patience to make your plugin work.


> I'm finishing hyperjaxb2 in the next two weeks and will

> continue working

> on hyperjaxb3. What I'm missing for hyperjaxb3 is the

> knowledge of ejb3

> annotatios. In my previous mails I've briefly outlined basic cases

> (single/collection, 6 types of properties). It would be very

> helpful if

> you come up with annotation examples for these cases.


> However, I can first continue with Hyperjaxb3 in September.


> Bye.

> /lexi


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