Re: Restriction parameter from schema to class annotation.

From: Michał Letyński <>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 14:22:47 +0200

> Hi.
>> What would you expect this annotation to achieve? The validation is
>> handled by the Schema object during (un)marshaling. Or do you mean this
>> would be purely for documentation purposes?
>> Michał Letyński wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Is is possible to force JAXB to get information about restriction in
>>> generated class for e.g:
>>> <restriction base="int">
>>> <minInclusive value="10" />
>>> </restriction>
>>> I would like to have similar information to required field:
>>> @XmlAttribute(minInclusive=10).
> In my opinion, the idea is fully legitimate. An external validator
> could use this information to validate objects. There's a JSR on that,
> see also Hibernate Validator.
> Bye.
> /lexi
Yes i need it for my external validator. Thanks for advice.