Re: schemagen and xsd documentation annotations

From: Naz Quadri <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 08:39:20 +0100

Issue 369 has been entered for this.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

> Naz Quadri wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a set of Java classes which are being used to create an xml
>> schema using schemagen, or more specifically
>> JAXBContext.generateSchema(). I would like to be able to add comments
>> to my classes as annotations if possible and have these injected into
>> the generated schema as documentation annotations. I'm pretty certain
>> there is no Java annotation to do this but see below for how it might
>> look with an invented annotation.
> Yes, things like this is certainly conceivable.
> When schemagen acts on the source code it's even possible to just take
> the javadoc comment.
>> If this is not possible is there any other way ? Would it be possible
>> to write the class and field comments into an xml file and hook into
>> the schemagen process and inject the comments into the schema by
>> using a plugin of some kind ?
> Unfortunately right now schema generator class is not extensible. It
> doesn't have the in-memory mutable tree representation of the schema
> to be written (unlike XJC), and without it, one cannot really write
> "plugins" that tweak it before it's written down as schema document.
> I'm also OK with just adding this capability to the JAXB RI itself
> without introducing a formal plugin mechanism. Propagating docs seem
> like a reasonable enough change.
> If anyone could help us hack the code, that would be great. Otherwise
> please file this in the issue tracker for future tracking purpose.