RE: Re: XSD / JAXB / Database / Schema / Persistance???

From: Ted Poovey <>
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 08:12:07 -0500

That would be great. IMHO, you would want to allow for JDO /
Hibernate / EJB3 type mapping of attributes or elements to database
columns and tables. I have thought about this a bit myself. This
would be a great increase in the maturity of the specifications with a
merger like this. However, with databases like Cache that can take an
XSD and create tables that can be updated from XML and queried using
SQL and I believe DB2, Oracle, SQL-Server are all providing something
similar the true need may be little enough to require those of us that
don't want to be dependent on a DBMS technology to develop and present
to Java like the Concurrency project.

Thank you
Ted Poovey
Systems Architect
I.T. Solutions Enterprise Architecture
U.S. Central
9701 Renner Blvd
Lenexa, KS 66219
(ph) 913-227-6106
(fax) 913-227-6254
-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksei Valikov []
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: XSD / JAXB / Database / Schema / Persistance???


>>I am in the situation where I would like to persist and query my
>>object (values) to/from a database.... I'm not looking to persist a
>>serialized object.... or text/xml because both don't allow for
>>sufficient database querying.
> I have no idea if this would work or not, or how to do it other than
> manually, but would it be possible to annotate the JAXB classes with
> Peristence API annotations? I.e., make the JAXB objects into entity
> and then use JPA to do the persistence.
> If this would work, does anyone have any idea how to get the JPA
> put in automagically?

Annoy me enough that I finally continue Hyperjaxb3. ;)


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