> That would be great. IMHO, you would want to allow for JDO /
> Hibernate / EJB3 type mapping of attributes or elements to database
> columns and tables.
JAXB1/Hibernate3 already works pretty fine in Hyperjaxb2. We've now version
0.5.2 which is stable. Used by quite a lot of people.
I've already made some effort to port the solution onto JAXB2, first with
Hibernate3. Some of the test scenarios already pass through, but it's very far
from being mature. :(
The thing appears to be too heavy to develop it on my own.
> I have thought about this a bit myself. This
> would be a great increase in the maturity of the specifications with a
> merger like this. However, with databases like Cache that can take an
> XSD and create tables that can be updated from XML and queried using
> SQL and I believe DB2, Oracle, SQL-Server are all providing something
> similar the true need may be little enough to require those of us that
> don't want to be dependent on a DBMS technology to develop and present
> to Java like the Concurrency project.
Well, the idea or the spirit behind Hyperjaxb was really the one of
free-and-open-source. It does not provide nice GUI like Tamino or SQL Server,
but being capable to deploy the solution on almoust any database with zero
licensing fees and so on is quite appealing.
Oh I wish I had enough time for all of this...