Re: Injecting Code with Plugins

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 07:31:01 -0800

dustin hunter wrote:
> Basically what I want to do is extract an interface for each and every java
> element created by JAXB, and have the implementation implement the
> interface.

Have you tried <jaxb:globalBindings generateValueClass="false" /> ? It
sounds like that's close to what you want to do.

Otherwise, your code would go basically like this:

   for(each ClassOutline co in model) {
     JDefinedClass intf = codeModel._class(...);
     for(each JMethod m in co.ref.methods()) {
       if(you want m to show up in intf) {

As long as you do "JCodeModel._class()" or "JPackage._class()" or some
such in JCodeModel, those classes will be scheduled for the generation.
You need not "hook things up" with outline to get them generated ---
outline is a read-only object model that represents association between
schema and the generated code.

BTW, sounds like this is an interesting plugin. Would you be interested
in hosting this on, so that other
people can use it?

> The problem I am having is that we have many different versions of a 3rd
> party schema that we need to work with. They are almost the same, but
> slightly different. I want to be able to write our code such that it does
> not care about the discrepencies between the schemas, and so that it only
> ever works with interfaces and factories.

I see.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems