Re: Licensing?

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 14:33:45 -0400

Philip, Tim wrote:

> Can anyone direct (or explain) me to licensing information for using
> JAXB. The current LICENSE file in the JWSDP-1.2 archive looks
> suspiciously like an evaluation license, not a use license.
> Is this just out of date, or is there a different release for commercial
> use, or am I misunderstanding the LICENSE file?
> Someone passed on a rumor that there are plans to make JAXB open source
> ... anyone care to comment on this?

Hi Tim,

Please direct all licensing related questions to
This is a Sun internal alias for handling licensing and other non-technical
issues related to JAXB.

I can tell you that it is definitely not an evaluation license, but rather
a full commercial use license. It also goes through and defines redistribution
terms for components in the pack.



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