Re: warnings for unchecked calls on j2sdk1.5

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 11:45:42 -0700

> I apologise for not being conversant with the exact state of affairs in
> the JAXB project. I am guessing that the effort in your group is for
> future releases of JAXB. But it seems like you guys are also working on
> fixing current bugs. May be thats what you meant by generating
> compatible code for Java 1.3.. So I take it that there is no way to
> generate "clean" code (without warnings) using JAXB for Java 1.5!

Yes, right now, I'm afraid I have to ask you to live with the warnings.

How about first compiling JAXB generated code alone (with the option to
suppress warnings), then run javac again to compile your source code?

> But as we are using JAXB in our huge project that uses Java 1.5, there
> should be some hope that the new java1.5 compatible JAXB release is
> round the corner. Otherwise we will have to further think about
> continuing with Jaxb as the parsing tool. Since you guys are working
> towards that, could you give a rough idea of when that may happen?

We believe that the JAXB RI today is already "compatible with JDK 1.5"
in the sense that:

    - you can deploy your JAXB applications to J2SE 1.5
    - you can develop your JAXB applications with J2SE 1.5

We do take it seriously if the code generated from XJC doesn't run in
JDK 1.5 or something like that. But if I'm not mistaken, the problem you
found doesn't prevent your application from running properly.

I understand that a lot of warnings hurt usability, and I really wish I
could fix the problem at once. However, I just see a lot of work in
fixing this, which makes it difficult for us to commit the fix to this
upcoming release.

If you can file a bug, I think that's the best way to keep track of the
progress of the fix.

Meanwhile, I hope the separate compilation would provide a reasonable
workaround for you.

Also, the JAXB 2.0 is planning to take more advantages of J2SE 1.5

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems         
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