Re: Binding the schema for XML Schema

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 13:28:05 -0400

Franklin, Brian wrote:
> I am encountering the need more frequently to have easier programmatic
> access to an XML
> Schema in object form (not just SAX or DOM). So here are some questions
> that I have:

I believe the answers are:

> 1) Can JAXB bind the schema(s) for XML Schema?


> 2) If not, will it ever be able to?

Probably not or no.

> 3) If no to either of the previous question, are there any other tools that
> would be able to
> read in a schema file and represent it as a Java object?
> I seem to recall seeing some time back a few messages concerning this issue.
> I did a bit of searching through the archives but couldn't find it.
> If someone could point me to those messages or give me a search term, I
> would appreciate it.

Try searching "schema object model":


> Brian Franklin