Re: SOE with large schemas

From: <>
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 19:48:00 -0400

 I had a problem with a large schema (ACORD, the insurance industry
 standard). Additionally, our company used the <redefine> tag to
 extend the schema, something that JAXB 1.0 didn't support. I had
 to write a set of xslt transforms that I've been using
 successfully for about a year now, to extract out the part of the
 schema I need to work with. Search the archives for "Work-around
 for large schemas and <redefine> tag" from August of 2004. You
 should be able to make use of it with little modification.
 Hope it helps,
 ----- Original Message -----
 From Aleksei Valikov <>
 Date Fri, 02 Sep 2005 19:04:51 +0200
 Subject Re: SOE with large schemas
> Try setting the stack size to something like 2MB. We ran into this same
> problem and that fixed it. You didn't say how you're running the binding compiler (xjc Ant task or xjb script). We are running the xjc script and
> specify the JVM args "-Xmx512m -Xss2m" when we fire up the script. If
> you're using the xjc Ant task, you'll have to specify these in the
> ANT_OPTS environment variable. There's doc on this in the docs
> subdirectory of the JWSDP jaxb directory.
I have both ant script and unit test that runs the generation, but
setting -Xss to values 1-32 gave no results. In any case, I get SOE...
I wonder if I could divide the schemas into two parts somehow...
The whole thing is, actually, a bit strange... UBL schemas compile just
fine and they are also very big.
