Re: SOE with large schemas

From: Kirill Grouchnikov <>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:04:57 -0700 (PDT)


We had such a problem in our work project (not JAXB -
related). See [1] for limitation of Java serialization. I
hadn't tried the example in JDK 1.4+, but we had an
extremely deep structure (the problem ahs nothing to do
with circularity).

I've poked a little bit around HotSpot code for
serialization, and each hierarchy level is translated to 4
or 5 recursive calls - the serialization is recursive and
not iterative (DFS in the worst sense).



--- Aleksei Valikov <> wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm trying to compile relatively large set of schemas
> (Opengis schema
> pack). It is ~1Mb large pack of schemas, which are not
> too nice from the
> structureal point of view.
> JAXB processes the schemas quite fine. My add-ons also go
> through, but
> then I'm getting the StackOverflowError during the "write
> generated code
> phase".
> Quite strangely, StackOverflowError appears during
> serialization of the
> BGM (when generating the bgm.ser file), somewhere in the
> ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject. Sources from the
> same package
> are generated quite fine. Moreover, the effect does not
> belong to the
> specific schema/package. If I remove fews schemas from
> the pack, the
> code is sometimes generated fine, no matter which schema
> I remove.
> It seems like the defined structure is simply too large.
> I've tried to
> trace the StackOverflowError down - it appears somewhere
> during the
> serialization of choices, but I could not find any loop
> in object structure.
> When I divide the set of schemas into two parts, both
> parts compile just
> fine.
> Any comments? Would anyone investigate?
> I'll post the schemas and binding data as an issue, would
> be extremely
> grateful if anyone takes a look.
> Bye.
> /lexi
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