Re: License terms for redistribution of individual components

From: Thomas John Kincaid <>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2003 22:43:55 -0500

Since you are implementing JAXB what you claim in the implementation
regarding JAXB depends on a separate license from Sun. I can put you in
contact with the right person if you would like. Further discussion on a
license of this type would not be appropriate for this list.

We will be updating what parts of the RI you must re-distribute
shortly. However, at a minimum it will require that you also
redistribute the jaxb-ri.jar and jaxb-libs.jar a separate licencse can
be worked out with SUN but the standard license will require the
redistribution of the entire runtime.


>as some of you might know, I am working on an open source
>implementation of JAXB. (See
>A question that concerns me is whether and how it is
>allowed to distribute parts of JAXB as part of the
>JaxMe distribution. The files in question are:
> - the Jar files jaxb-api.jar and jax-qname.jar
> - the source file jaxb-api-src.jar
> - the specification
> - the specification jaxb-0_90-pfd-spec.pdf
> - the examples
> - the user guide
>Also, if that matters, whether it is allowed to add
>these to a CVS repository, which is available to the
>Also, if it is allowed to use these files for a
>derived work. In particular, it would be nice to
>offer a Javadoc, which includes the JAXB Javadoc.